Benjamin ISHIMWE Mugisha

Hello, I'm Benjamin. I'm a backend developer with 3 years of experience. I enjoy building scalable systems that serve many users. My focus is Nodejs.

About me

I started coding at an eary age which gave me time to explore Full stack developement, I decided to pursue backend developement since I felt more comfortable doing it. I enrolled in a coding focused high school in my country where I can pursue my passion Nodejs, Spring boot and AWS. I am also familiar with technologies like Microservices and Serverless

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies, and surfing the iternet. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning about game designing. I'm also learning how to dance.

My projects


I worked on the backend of a robust library management system system that helped schools have digitalised libraries

  • Nodejs
  • GraphQL
  • Prisma

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.